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Access Management

Access Management

This section allows you to provide access to a user to read or edit your application in PIES Studio.

When you click on View button of the desired Application, you will be navigated to explorer page.

On left pane, click on Settings icon to open the Settings section. Now, click on Access management in left pane. Below options can be found under access management.

Add Access

You can provide access to a user by clicking on Add Access button. Add Access pop-up window will appear to enter email Id of user and to select the type of access such as Read, Write and Maintain.

  1. Read
    Using Read access, user will be able to view or duplicate the application but not make any other modifications to it.

  2. Write
    Using Write access, users will be able to edit and modify the application. They wont be able to delete the application or manage the application’s access.

  3. Maintain
    Users with maintain access will have all the privileges of write access, including the ability to delete the application and manage application’s access.

Click Save button after providing desired information or click Close to close/cancel the Add Access pop-up window. The user will be added & provided access upon saving.


Fig 1: Access Management Section


Fig 2: Add Access Pop up window

Edit Access

You can also edit the access of the added user by clicking on the pencil icon under Actions. When you click on this icon Edit Access pop-up window opens. You can select the user email and edit the access type and click Save to update. Access type will be updated for the user and a success message will be displayed as “Success “. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window & go back.


Fig 3: Edit Access Pop up

Delete Access

You can also delete the added user by clicking on the delete icon under Actions. When you click on this icon, Delete access pop up window will open. Click Confirm to delete the user from the list. User will be removed from the list and success message will be displayed as “Access deleted successfully “. Click Cancel to close the Pop-up window.


Fig 4: Delete Access Pop up

You can search for users using their access type by selecting Access type as Read, Write or Maintain from the dropdown.


Access Management has another sub-section called Visibility. Your application's visibility on the platform can be set as 'Public' or 'Private'. This can be set by selecting Public or Private from dropdown.

Public Applications: All users in the platform will have read access to public applications, and only write access can be granted to these applications. i.e. Public applications can be viewed by all users, but only users with write or maintain access will be able to edit or make changes to these applications.

Private Applications: Private applications will not be visible to all the users. They will be visible and editable only to those users who have been granted the relevant access. i.e. users will specifically need read access to private applications in order to view them, and write or maintain access in order to modify them.

Once you select the type of visibility, click on Change Visibility button. A pop-up window will appear to confirm selection. Click Yes, I am aware to change visibility and a success message will be displayed as “Visibility changed to public/private successfully.

Or, click Cancel to Close the Visibility Window.


Fig 5: Visibility Section


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