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Code Export

You can seamlessly export your PIES Studio application into working code using this section. Currently, we support Flutter for the UI of your application and Golang for the application backend. You need to make a purchase or code export request, in order to export code.

  • Go to Host & Export section on the left pane of desired application

  • Under Code Export section, click New Request. Note: You will only be able to create a new request if you are an admin or if you have purchase access granted by admin


Fig 1: Code Export

  • On clicking new request, you will be taken to pricing details page. Here, you will be able to find the cost required to export code for your application. Pricing depends on the total number of objects used in the application. Objects include, Database Tables (excluding system generated tables), Screens, Functions & External REST API Endpoints (under Resources). You will find both individual object pricing and the overall price in this page.

Pricing shown is applicable only for the objects present at the time of code export request. Any objects added post the current code export will not be considered in the downloaded code.


Fig 2: Pricing Details

  • Click Proceed. You will get a confirmation popup. Click Confirm to proceed or Cancel to go back


Fig 3: Confirmation Popup

  • Upon confirmation, you will be navigated to payments page. Provide your card details in this page. Once payment is successful, you will be redirected back to Code Export page, where you can find the request with Active status.

  • If the payment fails or if the request status is Pending, you can still complete the purchase using Complete Purchase icon. Or, if you wish to delete the existing request, you can do so by clicking delete icon against the desired request.


Fig 4: Pending Request

  • Once the request is active, you will get a success message stating, Your purchase was successful.


Fig 5: Payment Successful Popup

  • Under Export Options, you can download your application’s code as zip file. When you click on Download Now under Download as .zip, a zip file will be downloaded to your local machine with your application’s name as the file name.


Fig 6: Export Options

  • This file will contain three separate folders for Database, UI & Backend code. db contains the exported data model sql script, core folder will contain the backend code (functions) and web folder will contain the front-end code (screens & events).


Fig 7: Downloaded zip file

  • Even if you move away from this code export section, you can still come back anytime and download the code under History using Download Code icon.


Fig 8: Active Request

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