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Release Notes


Released on 15/01/2024


  • Line Chart - Fixed issue where line style & line thickness was not reflecting

  • Pie Chart - Fixed issues in pie chart properties and styling

  • Bar Chart - Fixed issues in bar chart properties and styling

  • Properties and style formatting issue fixes for count card, link, line, video, table, tab and form elements in the screen editor

  • Fixed bug where user was unable to collapse ‘Menu’ section in the explorer

  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Access Control’, ‘Resources’ sections collapsed only on double click

  • Fixed issues with the explorer and palette panel resizing

  • Fixed the background colour for the menu editor

  • Fixed a bug where the zoom menu did not work on the relationship editor

  • Fixed issues with the Cntrl+S / Cmd + S shortcut for saving active windows in the editor


  • Renamed the 'Save Record' action as 'Create Record' in the function palette

  • Added a new search input field on the explorer panel to filter the explorer items

  • Added an ‘About’ section in the editor where some stats related to the app will be shown


Released on 03/05/2024


  • Fixed minor issues in the community edition


  • Added support for the ‘About’ section on the platform landing page

  • Added support for checking for version updates through the platform ‘About' section


Released on 23/04/2024


  • Console bar message correction during building applications

  • Fixed incorrect warning pop-up for screen names if the name is empty

  • Fixed issues in adding screen name

  • Fixed issue where event steps were disappearing randomly while switching to other tabs

  • Fixed the 'Tab' element switching in the screen editor not working

  • Fixed a bug where elements in ‘Action’ tabs were not showing the defined properties properly

  • Fixed issue in defining tab element type

  • Fixed the issue where all the elements in event and function palette were having two connectors on the right side

  • Fixed issues for application access control

  • Fixed issues in duplicating applications

  • Fixed the properties and formatting issues in Slider and Radio Button elements


  • Event Editor - Added a new step called 'Set Element Focus'

  • Added support for a 'Get Current URL' step in event editor

  • Added support for the ‘Set element data’ step for button to change the button label

  • Added support to ‘Set Element Visibility’ to show/hide individual tabs along with the entire tab element

  • Added support for hiding and disabling the tabs by default in a Tab View element

  • Enabled support for runtime debugging during previewing applications

  • Support for application-level access management and privacy settings

  • Added support for the Code Blocks component in the application editor

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